Love is you and love is me
Love is prison and love is free
Love’s what’s brewing
when you are here with me
Adrian Henri
What is it about seeing two people in love that makes us want to fall in love ourselves? Is it the way they stare dreamily into each others eyes? or how they passionately they kiss? or just the bliss of seeing them walking hand in hand? Whatever it is, love is a beautiful thing and here's hoping you have someone to love you tonight.
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David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

Traditional wedding. Warri, Nigeria. David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

Traditional Wedding. Warri, Nigeria. David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

Love is in the air. Look closely, and you can see it in the chief brides maid's eyes. London, England. David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

The couple and minister look over at the congregation for any response to the final marriage banns. London, England. David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

Wedding guests. Abuja, Nigeria. David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

Dancing Bride. Warri, Nigeria. David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography