Life is full of beauty.
Life is full of pain.
Life is blessed with sunshine.
Life is fraught with rain.
David Olamide Craig June 2013
With patience and some luck, a well timed image can capture a shot that on close inspection might be seen to distil all of life's meaning into a single frame. Pictures of everyday people doing everyday things or extraordinary moments depicting spectacular things. No matter what it is, a picture truly speaks a thousand words!​

Please click image to view slide show or scroll down the gallery to view singles (click show more at the bottom of the page)​​​

Street child. Kuje, Abuja Nigeria. David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

Street Children in Kuje. Abuja, Nigeria.David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

Westminister. London, England.David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

Millenium park, Abuja. David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

Notting Hill. London, England. David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

UCH. Ibadan, Nigeria. David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

Jabi Lake Park. Abuja, Nigeria. David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

Bank. London, England.David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography

Fob watches. Camden street market, London.David Olamide Craig / #RevDrCraig Photography